Newlywed Map

2 May

I have been wanting to accomplish this craft project for the last year, and with the help of my husband, we made it happen. I spotted this idea on the blog Beantown Baker, and I couldn’t wait to try it out. Basically you purchase a poster sized world map, and glue it on a large piece of foam board. Then, you frame it and hang it in your home. Each time you and your husband or family visit a different place, you mark it on your map. We don’t have very many pins yet, but I can’t wait to travel together through the years and add on to it!

To make your own map:

First purchase a 24 x 36 ” map, I purchased mine online at Map Center. I also bought my map pins from the same website. You will need a bottle of spray adhesive, a nice frame to put your map into, and a foam board to attach your map to. I used a tri fold science fair board, and it worked great. I bought the frame and science fair board at Michael’s, with 1/2  off coupons, so be on the lookout in your local paper for coupons to make this project affordable.

Carefully spray your map with the spray adhesive, and glue to your foam board. Wait until the map is dry, and place it in the frame, discarding the glass. Next mark all the places you have been with your map pins!

6 Responses to “Newlywed Map”

  1. Chrissy May 2, 2011 at 8:39 AM #

    I love this! I am so tempted to make one for us.

    • thecookingnurse May 2, 2011 at 12:25 PM #

      You should do it, especially since you are getting married! 🙂

  2. Nicole, RD May 3, 2011 at 2:00 PM #

    This is such a cute idea! I want to do this, too!

  3. Nicole, RD May 9, 2011 at 10:44 AM #

    I decided to do this for my husband. Our anniversary is on the 23rd and I think it’s just too cute not to do…thought I would let you know. Thanks for posting about it 🙂


  1. Baked Buffalo Chicken Pasta | Prevention RD - May 24, 2011

    […] map of the world with pins stuck in everywhere we’ve traveled to together (I got the idea here). I hope to put lots more pins on our map over the […]

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